Service & contact
Frequently asked questions
I'm recieving an error when trying to purchase tickets or merchandise.
When you recieve an error when trying to purchase tickets through Chipta, Eventbrite or our own website, please attempt to do so again in a few hours and see if the issue persists. When you attempt again and it still doesn't work, please contact us using the contact form at the bottom of this page.
My preferred payment method is not listed.
At the moment we have little influence on which payment methods are provided to us due to the limitations of our service providers. You may always contact us to report your preferred method and we may look into implementing it in the future.
I have purchased tickets or merchandise but I have not recieved my tickets or order confirmation.
When you cannot find the email containing your tickets or order confirmation, please make sure to double check your spam folders. If you still cannot find the email, please contact us using the form at the bottom of this page and we will check the contact details and resend the email.
I am a DJ and I'd like to play at one of the Explicit events sometimes.
We are always looking for new and fresh talent on our lineups. Use the button down below to sign up for our artist list.
Can I purchase tickets for Explicit events at the door?
Explicit sells doors tickets online during all of our events. You may continue to use the regular online tickets shop to purchase your door tickets. We do not accept direct payments, like cash, at the door.
A photograph which I'm on has been published and I'd like to have it removed.
Contact us using the form down below with information on which pictures you would like to have removed.